December 11, 2024
5:00 pm
6:00 pm
⭐Bring your thoughts and questions for this discussion! ⭐
In 2023, Fierro Consulting, Inc. designed and delivered a professional development workshop at the AEA Annual Conference to enhance evaluators’ knowledge and skills in Evaluation Capacity Building (ECB). Four workshop attendees from the non-profit and public sectors will share lessons learned from their experiences moving from theory to practice. Specifically, we will provide a brief overview of ECB, including its intended outcomes, and share four examples from the field to demonstrate how creating and implementing an ECB strategy ultimately affected change in organizational evaluation practice including, but not necessarily limited to:
- mainstreaming/embedding evaluation in an organization,
- altering the frequency with which evaluations are performed,
- enhancing evaluative thinking, and
- shifting from doing evaluations to sharing insights from evaluations across an organization and effectively learning from them.
Come hear directly from these new evaluation capacity builders about creating organizational environments that are supportive of high-quality evaluation practice.
Leslie A. Fierro, McGill University (
Co-author of the new CDC Framework for Program Evaluation in Public Health)
Heather Codd, Pyxis Management, Inc
Renee Boyer, Syracuse City School District
Emily Frost,
March of Dimes
Jordyn Livingston, South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control
Lashonda Williams, South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control
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