** Click to read our recent BAE Board Statement and Support Resources **

Dos and Don’t for Working with Evaluators


How do I pick the best evaluator for my project? How can I effectively communicate my needs to a consultant? How do I help them understand our work? What will working with an evaluator cost me? Join the BAE board and colleagues for a panel discussion on how to find, hire, and collaborate with external […]

Virtual Interactive Logic Model Workshop


The Baltimore Area Evaluators (BAE) invite you to a virtual interactive workshop on logic models. Bring your logic model questions, logic model problems, and let’s dig into how to make and use logic models. Click here to register

EASL Evaluation Leaders Series


A web-based virtual series of 5 American Evaluation Association leaders who will share their experiences with local evaluators in St. Louis and beyond. All of these individuals have been the president of the American Evaluation Association and are currently involved with supporting program evaluation research, education, professional development and/or running evaluation practices. BAE Members $10/session […]

After the American Evaluation Association Conference Sharing Circle


Join BAE and reflect on the American Evaluation Association Conference! All are welcome! If you attended the conference, come share some highlights. If you did not attend the conference, come catch up on what you missed. This is an informal chance to share resources and catch up on resources and trends. Register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAlcOmtqjooGdL6AahjR4JGLKXWPj8KS_Jp

American Evaluation Association 2022 Conference

The American Evaluation Association (AEA) is hosting Evaluation 2022 in New Orleans, Louisiana, November 7 – 12. Register for Evaluation 2022 today! http://bit.ly/2s3QSOG

Unpacking Health Equity with Institutions and Communities: A Roundtable Discussion


Chicagoland Evaluation Association invites you to a virtual roundtable of evaluators addressing health equity in Chicagoland. Health equity is a complex issue because it overlaps with policies, systems, and environments, as well as community-level context and health disparities that are historic and closely linked to systemic discrimination of resources. As a point of departure in […]

Seattle Evaluation Association – Annual Business Meeting – Equitable Evaluation Framework


Join the Seattle Evaluation Association for our annual business meeting and learn more about the Equitable Evaluation Framework. Register here: https://evalseattle.org/event-4980949 As philanthropy evolves and moves to centering equity, assessment, research, learning, and evaluation strategies must also evolve. What is the Equitable Evaluation Framework (EEF) and how do we engage with the EEF? Join your […]

Shiree Teng’s “Measuring Love” framework


Join Minnesota Evaluation Association (MNEA) for an upcoming event presenting Shiree Teng as she discusses her Brown Paper, “Measuring Love.” As a follow-up to the MNEA Book Club’s selection this year, All About Love by bell hooks, Shiree will share more about the “Measuring Love” Brown Paper and lead participants in a discussion to delve deeper into […]

Interactive Mapping with Arc GIS


Join us on September 13th at 12pm ET for our fall workshop: Interactive Mapping with Arc GIS. During this workshop attendees will receive an introduction to mapping using ARC GIS […]

Eval 2021


Our theme for 2021 is “AEA at 35: Meeting the Moment”.  It is a time for celebration and also a time for reflection on our practice of evaluation. It is a time for us to share our stories about what we have learned over the past 35 years. “Meeting the Moment” begs the questions: What […]

Open BAE Board Meeting


This monthly meeting of BAE’s Executive Board will be open to current members who wish to observe organizational business and ask questions. The next election for soon-to-be open Board officer positions is coming up shortly afterwards, so this meeting provides an opportunity for interested members to learn more about Board roles! Zoom login information will […]