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Latest Past Events

Virtual Interactive Logic Model Workshop


The Baltimore Area Evaluators (BAE) invite you to a virtual interactive workshop on logic models. Bring your logic model questions, logic model problems, and let’s dig into how to make and use logic models. Click here to register

EASL Evaluation Leaders Series


A web-based virtual series of 5 American Evaluation Association leaders who will share their experiences with local evaluators in St. Louis and beyond. All of these individuals have been the president of the American Evaluation Association and are currently involved with supporting program evaluation research, education, professional development and/or running evaluation practices. BAE Members $10/session […]

After the American Evaluation Association Conference Sharing Circle


Join BAE and reflect on the American Evaluation Association Conference! All are welcome! If you attended the conference, come share some highlights. If you did not attend the conference, come catch up on what you missed. This is an informal chance to share resources and catch up on resources and trends. Register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAlcOmtqjooGdL6AahjR4JGLKXWPj8KS_Jp